Just look at bVacation/b, that was a great scene when Russ and Clark race to Wally World to the "Chariots" theme song. Awesome stuff. A little interesting piece of trivia before we move on, an extremely similar theme song to the famous ... In the wise words of Coach bFinstock/b from Teen Wolf, "You stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese." If you're jonesin' for some Rad, here's a little flashback. It's the original trailer with a heavy dose of 80s soundtrack music. ...
This whole thing reminded me of the time in third grade when we were asked to draw a Santa picture and I made a cut out of Santa on bvacation/b. I had the people around me do the elves on bvacation/b as well; it was just a different take than the ... bFinstock/b is founder of Pointlessbanter.net. He is known for his encyclopedia like knowledge on the life and times of Scott Baio. In the future he hopes to write again under his own name in order to impress the ladies and build his ...
Presumably, the studio execs figures they could just piggy back on the massive success of the Hogan Family, but they underestimated the impact of skimping out on Pamela and the original Coach bFinstock/b: a critical oversight. b.../b P.S. I'm heaaded off on bvacation/b today for a week (Venice). I'm hoping to keep the Top 25 rolling in a timely manner, but internet access might be limited. So, don't hate me if it is a little slower than usual for the subsequent posts. b.../b